Autocode Support Guide By Yavko

Hello so when people ask stuff there are some stuff that you just need to send as links so here are some tips hehe.

They want a basic boilerplate?

Send them this link!

They don’t know how to use Autocode?

Send them this link!

Code Pasting

Code Pasting
Code Pasting

When someone pastes code without the code box send this image in the chat!

They Don’t know how to make a discord bot?

Send them this link!

They Want to make an embed?

Then send this link!

What about slash commands?

Send this link!

If they want to add a slash command to an existing project follow these steps!

  1. Make a slash command with the link above
  2. Create an endpoint with the trigger as discord.command and set the command as the command you made in the slash command builder!
  3. Tell them they are done!

They don’t know much about JavaScript?

Send them this link!

They want to know what this means?

const lib = require('lib')({token: process.env.STDLIB_SECRET_TOKEN});

Tell them this is adding a dependency that makes the connections to the apis and is REQUIRED

There are things missing here!

Dm Yavko#3609!